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Pillows you can rest assured on…

Which is Better?  Memory Foam Pillows or Latex Pillows?

Do you find yourself getting hopeless while you search for the pillow you dream of?  To get that perfect pillow, it may help you to understand the differences between a memory foam pillow and a latex pillow.  Read on for the answers you seek. 

Latex responds quicker, whereas memory foam is slower;

Memory foam is a synthetic, man-made material; latex can be one or the other;

If you’re on a budget, memory foam is the wallet-friendly option;

Memory foam can help with back and/or neck pain. 


Vinci’s Mattress Store has a showroom full of options waiting for you to try out, and physically see the differences.  After all, if you’re going to be investing the money, you want to make sure you get what you actually need. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

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